He has had many romances in one night! But in the depths of his heart, Tokio Hotel star wants love.
I feel very alone
Everyone sign this statement: "I would love to find true love." PBut when Tom from Tokio Hotel says that, then we have a total surprise. After the twenties has talked so much about his conquests night in the past! But the rocker does not want to enjoy the pleasures of a
night fast anymore: "I do not full, I've come to realize more and more,"
said Bravo. "Sometimes there are one or two nights wonderful. But in the end I feel as empty as before again. I'm just like Bill. " His twin brother also has realized that Tom is not happy: "He leads a sad life. Therefore, I never asked his advice about love, "says Bill. "On the contrary, now he learns that I am! Because now you
have realized what I already knew for 15 years: do not waste time with
some short relationships, but what you spend with people who really mean
something to you! "Tom then there is hope to find the girl? "I firmly believe that this could happen - at least I hope." Fingers crossed for you, Tom!